San Francisco Examiner Features Registry Editorial

The San Francisco Examiner published a guest column yesterday, “Inroads made tracking patient progress,” by William J. Maloney, MD, AAHKS Secretary/AJRR Board Chair and AAHKS member Kevin J. Bozic, MD. Dr. Maloney and Dr. Bozic wrote the article in response to another...

Board Approves New Membership Criteria

At the AAHKS Board of Directors meeting on Thursday, November 6, 2014, Board members approved changes to the new membership criteria recommended by the Membership Committee: 1)      For Fellow, Associate and Affiliate categories, decrease the number of required...

AAHKS Welcomes International Colleagues

AAHKS extended invitations to international medical societies to attend this year’s Annual Meeting. Hip and knee surgeons from 22 countries are attending including Willem van der Merwe, MD, President of the International Society of Arthroscopy, Knee Surgery and...

AJRR Releases First Annual Report on Hip, Knee Data

The American Joint Replacement Registry (AJRR), a multi-stakeholder, not-for-profit organization that optimizes patient outcomes through collection of data on all primary and revision hip and knee replacement procedures in the United States, released its 2013 Annual...
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