Health Policy Fellows Chosen for 2015

The AAHKS Health Policy Fellowship provides young, future leaders with an opportunity to get involved in the policy-making process where they learn to become effective advocates. AAHKS is pleased to announce the following physicians chosen as this year’s fellows: P....

Members Renew Dues, Use Websticker

AAHKS members can pay dues online by logging in at or by calling (847) 698-1200. More than one-third of our members have renewed their memberships as of this date. AAHKS members are also using a new “websticker” of the AAHKS logo on their websites,...

AAHKS Supports the United Bone and Joint Initiative

AAHKS is continuing its membership in the United States Bone and Joint Initiative (USBJI) for 2015. The Bone and Joint Decade, now called the Global Alliance for Musculoskeletal Health, was established to increase the priority worldwide for bone and joint disorders....

AJRR Releases Orthopaedic Quality Resource Center Web Portal

The American Joint Replacement Registry (AJRR) has launched a Web portal where participating surgeons can report to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Physician Quality Reporting System (PQRS) program. AJRR is one of 41 organizations in the United...

Submit Manuscripts for AT and JOA

Arthroplasty Today is nearing publication of its first issue, and is accepting manuscripts for upcoming issues. Because of its open-access, online format, articles will be posted as they are approved. The Journal of Arthroplasty also continues to accept manuscripts...
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