Donate Now to Support FARE

The Foundation for Arthroplasty Research and Education (FARE) is a philanthropic organization facilitating the AAHKS mission to advance patient care through leadership in education, advocacy and research. FARE provides annual grants of up to $200,000 to support...

Apply Now for the AAHKS Health Policy Fellowship

The deadline to submit an application for the 2023-2024 AAHKS Health Policy Fellowship is Friday, September 30. The program, which runs on the calendar year, is open to orthopaedic surgeons in the United States currently participating in a Joint/Adult Reconstruction...

AAHKS Leaders Lobby on Capitol Hill

AAHKS leaders met with members of Congress to urge them to pass prior authorization and physician safety legislation, as well as physician payment updates. Representatives Ami Bera, MD (D-CA) and Larry Bucshon, MD (R-IN) introduced Supporting Medicare Providers Act of...
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