Final Day of #AAHKS2022

In AAHKS General session today, the program finishes with strong clinical content, including the Surgical Tips and Tricks to Save you During Revision THAs: Video Based Demonstrations Symposium, moderated by Matthew P. Abdel, MD. Other symposia covered recent research...

Ask the Expert Case Sessions

Annual Meeting attendees were invited to bring their complex cases and questions to the “Ask the Experts” Case Sessions today to get direct feedback from faculty and peers. Four Case Sessions focused on primary hip, primary knee, revision hip and revision knee...

Resident Education Opportunities

AAHKS welcomed 140 residents to our Resident Lab Course today. The day began with a Bioskills Lab that provided hands-on training in hip and knee arthroplasty techniques, followed by a working Business Lunch. The day concluded with a Cement Lab. Residents had to apply...
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