Can’t Make it to Specialty Day? Watch Online!

The AAHKS/Hip Society/Knee Society combined Specialty Day program takes place in San Diego on March 18, 2017. If you won’t be able to attend, you can join the live program online for a flat registration fee of $50, which gives you access to livestreaming and archived...

Come to the Re-Designed Specialty Day

Specialty Day 2017 presented by The Hip Society, The Knee Society and AAHKS is re-designed for 2017. The  program, which takes place March 18 after the AAOS Annual Meeting, is divided into 10 sessions focusing on a wide range of contemporary topics relevant to today’s...

The Knee Society Program Now Available

The Hip Society, The Knee Society, and the American Association of Hip and Knee Surgeons (AAHKS) are proud to present co-branded scientific programs as part of the 2015 Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) and Specialty Day on March...
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