Here are some highlights from the latest issue of the AAHKS open-access journal, Arthroplasty Today:

Patients, pictures, and privacy: managing clinical photographs in the smartphone era
John F. Nettrour, M. Benjamin Burch, B. Sonny Bal

Changes in prospectively collected longitudinal patient-generated health data are associated with short-term patient-reported outcomes after total joint arthroplasty: a pilot study
Ilya Bendich, Chris Chung, Kevin Hwang, Joseph Patterson, Jeff Mulvihill, Jeff Barry, Stefano Bini 

Computed tomography confirmation of component rotation in nanosensor-balanced total knee arthroplasty
Jacob R. Riis, James P. Reynolds, Shane R. Hess, Peter J. Haar, John R. Owen, Jennifer S. Wayne, Gregory J. Golladay

Trends in computer navigation and robotic assistance for total knee arthroplasty in the United States: an analysis of patient and hospital factors
Joseph K. Antonios, Shane Korber, Lakshmanan Sivasundaram, Cory Mayfield, Hyunwoo Paco Kang, Daniel A. Oakes, Nathanael D. Heckmann

Use of new interactive patient-provider software improves patient satisfaction and outcomes—a retrospective single-center study
Chukwuweike U. Gwam, Kathleen B. Urquico, Jennifer I. Etcheson, Nicole E. George, Carlos A. Higuera Rueda, Ronald E. Delanois

Read the entire issue online or on the Arthroplasty Today app.

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