The theme of the December issue of Arthroplasty Today is vascular diagnoses and complications associated with total joint replacement. “Arterial and venous complications are rare during joint replacements; however, the sequelae can be disastrous. A thorough preoperative assessment may identify at-risk patients, and heightened vigilance in the perioperative period may allow early detection and immediate treatment,” said Brian J. McGrory, MD, Editor-in-Chief. Javad Parvizi, MD comments on these types of issues and complications in the Guest Editorial. Read open-access articles in the full issue online or in the Arthroplasty Today app.

December Highlights

Vascular injury and orthopaedics
Javad Parvizi

Phlegmasia cerulea dolens and external iliac vein disruption after revision total hip arthroplasty
Jared S. Preston, Steven Mennona, Stephen Kayiaros

Traumatic anterior dislocation of a prosthetic knee, from trauma to delayed onset of vascular injury
Francesco Addevico, Anna Maria Nucci, Marco Rosati, Andrea Poggetti, Michelangelo Scaglione

Preoperative optimization for vascular involvement complicating revision total hip arthroplasty
Daniel Asemota, Brandon Passano, James E. Feng, David Novikov, Afshin A. Anoushiravani, Ran Schwarzkop

Aspirin: are patients actually taking it?—A quality assessment study
Steven Lewis, Shaun Kink, Michael Rahl, Ashley Nord, Jason Meldau, Karl Roberts

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