Program Chair Jeremy M. Gililland, MD welcomed attendees back to the General Session this morning, noting the close to record-breaking attendance, exhibitor support and improvements thanks to our great new location. Daniel J. Berry, MD conducted the annual “What Is Everyone Else Doing?” practice norms poll to track trends among orthopedic surgeons over time. Symposia topics include primary TKA and THA advancements, complications other than infection, current concepts in TKA alignment and performing TJA on obese patients. During the General Session, two Foundation for Arthroplasty Research and Education (FARE) Grants in the amount of $50,000 each were awarded to Matthew J. Deitz, MD for the study, “Clinical Relevance of the Minimal Biofilm Eradication Concentration,” and R. Michael Meneghini, MD for the study, “Contemporary TKA with Selective Patella Resurfacing Compared to Unresurfaced Patella with and Without Denervation. AAHKS President Bryan D. Springer, MD, also provided a report to attendees on behalf of the AAOS American Joint Replacement Registry. 

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