The latest AAHKS Amplified highlights LGTBQ+ stories within the arthroplasty profession, just in time to celebrate the beginning of Pride Month on June 1. Zachary C. Lum, DO, Vice-Chair of the Diversity Advisory Board (DAB), speaks candidly with Jaime L. Bellamy, DO, MS and Chloe E.H. Scott, MD regarding their experiences as members of the LGBTQ+ community, which is underrepresented in medicine and arthroplasty. Drs. Bellamy and Scott provide insight into their decisions and journeys to become orthopaedic surgeons, challenges, cultural best practices that we can learn from and interesting patient stories. This podcast and the voices heard celebrate the diversity that exists within AAHKS and how that diversity in orthopaedics helps to enrich our patient’s lives. Enjoy, and thanks for listening to AAHKS Amplified! 

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