Only a few days left to submit applications for the Foundation for Arthroplasty Research and Education (FARE) spring cycle! Applications are due by August 12, 2024, and will be reviewed by the AAHKS Research Committee in August. Those invited to move forward will then submit a full proposal for final review, and winners will be announced at the AAHKS Annual Meeting. FARE Recipients are awarded up to $50,000, and up to two grants will be awarded in this cycle. FARE is also seeking research proposals focused on racial and ethnic disparities in hip and knee arthroplasty. Each study should provide meaningful interventions into minority health disparities relative to hip and knee arthroplasty and/or identify and develop strategies to dismantle or mitigate effects of systemic racismInvestigators who receive the award will have demonstrated a sustained interest in research and excellence in their training with measurable goals to diversify the field. Apply here.   

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